Once again, you can call me Sean and I am from Malaysia. I graduated from Aberystwyth University, Wales in 2021, with First-class Honours in BSc. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. My main interests are Front-end Web and Game Development however I also enjoy picking up and learning other things. Apart from that, I also enjoy participating in game jams and programming contests since I can meet new people and learn new knowledge and technologies that I have and have not seen before from others. When I am not coding, I play video games, listen to music, hiking and go surfing occasionally. I'm always up for interesting projects so give me a shout whenever!! :)
A 3D shooter game written using C# in Unity Engine
A 2D levelled platfomer game written using C# in Unity Engine
A 2D puzzle solving game submission for the Ludum Dare 46 Game Jam
My final year dissertation involving implementing AR object recognition feature in a mobile app
A Java application I developed in my first year at the university
A C# WPF application for calculating cost of designing a fire-fighting system